RD07MVS1B is a MOSFET type transistor specifically designed for VHF/UHF RF power amplifiers applications, with improved a drain surge than RD07MVS1 by optimizing MOSFET structure.
High power gain:Pout>7W, Gp>10dB@Vdd=7.2V,f=520MHz
High Efficiency: 60%typ. (175MHz)High Efficiency: 55%typ. (520MHz)
For output stage of high power amplifiers inVHF/UHF band mobile radio sets.
RD07MVS1B-101 is a RoHS compliant product. RoHS compliance is indicating by the letter “G” after the Lot Marking. This product includes the lead in high melting temperature type solders. However, it is applicable to the following exceptions of RoHS Directions. 1. Lead in high melting temperature type solders(i.e.tin-lead solder alloys containing more than85% lead.)
New Old Stock * No longer available for export MFR: Mitsubishi