The 2N3773 is a PowerBase power transistor designed for high power audio, disk head positioners and other linear applications. These devices can also be used in power switching circuits such as relay or solenoid drivers, dc to dc converters or inverters. 16 Ampere Complementary Power Transistors 140 Volts 150 watt
High Safe Operating Area (100% Tested) 150 W @ 100 V
Completely Characterized for Linear Operation
High DC Current Gain and Low Saturation Voltage hFE = 15 (Min) @ 8 A, 4 V VCE(sat) = 1.4 V (Max) @ IC = 8 A, IB = 0.8 A
For Low Distortion Complementary Design
No longer available for export, New old stock MFR: Motorola