The grid of the 805 is designed so that the amplification of the tube varies with the amplitude of the input signal. This feature facilitates the design of Class B A-F amplifiers and modulators to give high output with low distortion.
A Husky high-mu transmitting triode of the thoriated-tungsten filament type with a maximum plate dissipation of 125 watts (CCS). It is designed both for class B modulator service and R-F amplifier service. Grid-bias requirements of the tube are unusually low. For example, at maximum plate-voltage rating of 1500 volts in class C telegraphy, a bias of only -10 volts is needed to protect the tube against loss of grid-excitation voltage. The grid of the 805 is designed so that the amplification of the tube varies with the amplitude of the input signal. This feature facilitates the design of Class B A-F amplifiers and modulators to give high output with low distortion.