8576/264 Eimac Transmitting Tube Pentode (NOS)

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Transmitting Tube Pentode
New Old Stock * No longer available for export
MFR: Eimac
SKU: 8576-264
Six Month Warranty

8576/264 Eimac Transmitting Tube Pentode (NOS)

The 8576 or 264 is a 3000 watt, forced air cooled, pentode with a maximum frequency for full output of 30 MHz. Originally a Penta Labs tube that was later made by Eimac. The later Eimac tube has slightly different dimensions and characteristics.

Length = 4.50" Diameter = 4.41"
Max voltage = 5000
Max current = 2 amps
Fil voltage = 6
Fil current = 17 amps   

New Old Stock * No longer available for export
MFR: Eimac

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Made in the USA Yes
Manufacturer Name EIMAC
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